Apr 2024
320 kbps
723 mb
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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Various Artists
          title > AUX RAMPAGE VOL.4
           year > 2024
          genre > Techno  
           mood > hardcore x gabba           

          label > AUX
          catno > AUXRECORDS2

        predate > 2024-03-26
         tracks > 70           
           size > 723.35 mb

            url >
           info >

                  |                 |\
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      :::\____/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
                                                                       . ..:

          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
         source > WEB

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    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
 ...:.. .                                                               ...:...


  01. Ethyl Maniax - Intro                                            2:45
  02. Jgercore - You got them                                        6:19
  03. Mr. Dealer - Dancing Motherfucka (Let The Bass Boom)            3:50
  04. Grosvenor - All I Do Is Make & Play                             4:19
  05. Heptyl - Robot Killer                                           5:44
  06. Dj Arschwasser - Testo Tablette                                 5:54
  07. GreenSequence - WTGB                                            4:09
  08. Nocent - What's Wrong With You                                  4:45
  09. Corrat - Behold the Dreamer                                     4:49
  10. Jgercore - Bad bass                                            6:22
  11. Arvid - Keep Close (Pardonax Remix)                             5:40
  12. TotenKore - Get da Fuck Back                                    4:27
  13. Rex Rawhead - Fucked Hoover                                     5:31
  14. Henrik Norbanh - HC Youth (Hardcore Mix)                        2:51
  15. Jgercore - Dark lord                                           5:04
  16. Ferra - Start Pulling                                           4:01
  17. Deliverance - Increasing                                        4:28
  18. Jambulatique88 - Durka hardcore                                 2:03
  19. Zerg Rusher - Evil forces                                       3:49
  20. Hammer - BLOW                                                   3:49
  21. Zhava - Terror555                                               6:17
  22. DJ No-NRG - Lif Is Cold                                         5:07
  23. ARTEM909RUS - A-spead                                           3:20
  24. Total Hell - Dome                                               2:44
  25. AUX XTREAME TEAM - GAY OVER                                     2:52
  26. SatanicNoizeGenerator - Imbezile                                4:00
  27. Nasvayniy - Fuck metall terror shit                             6:10
  28. AprAxiA - TerrorNoize                                           5:30
  29. Necromantus - Wird 8                                            2:36
  30. Arvid - Crazy Hardcore                                          5:35
  31. Lankoucore - AZILE                                              6:27
  32. Nasvayniy - Gabba train                                         5:06
  33. Aluminum Panel - Hell's mouth                                   3:28
  34. DistKick - Watch me                                             4:14
  35. Dj Arschwasser - Midnight Bomber                                4:41
  36. DJ Tank - I AM REBORN                                           4:01
  37. HellaSicker - Mark Of The Devil                                 3:40
  38. Heptyl - Wispa                                                  4:04
  39. EarlyFucker - Come on Dance                                     4:54
  40. Sarcastichate - Necromania                                      4:45
  41. Mr. Dealer - Drugs On You (Watch Me Dance)                      3:15
  42. Zhava - Czesc                                                   3:34
  43. TotenKore - Pull the Trigger                                    4:41
  44. Worxten - Bogota                                                4:23
  45. Nieznany artysta - Fucktitle                                    3:44
  46. SisuCorp - Puh                                                  3:46
  47. Sonar - No Escape                                               4:25
  48. Wetweazel DJ Team - Elektrikpipe (Goemaat Mix)                  5:24
  49. Xzkto - Darksynth                                               3:04
  50. Sephirothash cu32 - Collapse                                    3:08
  51. Rex Rawhead - Motherfucker Bustard (PCP Mix)                    4:54
  52. SisuCorp - Between force and pressure                           5:54
  53. Sound Exploit - Graveyard                                       3:25
  54. Willillah - SHITLOOP                                            3:38
  55. Bdacid - Event horizon                                          6:43
  56. Xzkto - House Every Weekend                                     2:27
  57. Ns trupper - Teutonic terror                                    4:27
  58. Dj Surstrmming - Pit krov                                      2:45
  59. Kunt Cobain - Death of Max Spiers                               6:13
  60. Redneck - XX(L)-XX(R) (V.KRAFT_ Gitarno-shtormovoy Antiremix)   5:33
  61. Huevo Pomogite - Path of Civilization                           5:17
  62. Redneck - Barak Hussyen Obama (V.KRAFT_Kiber-Shtormovoy Antirem 5:21
  63. Sarcastichate - Chastity                                        6:48
  64. Niemand - Rsintvil                                              6:24
  65. Djam NiL - It's A PityJungle                                    4:00
  66. BeatRapist - Badman (Origin Of Styx Remix)                      1:58
  67. Dj Duckken - Gabbadelic                                         5:17
  68. Origin of Styx - Irritation                                     4:16
  69. Djam NiL - The T.O.P.                                           3:44
  70. Kaotix - End of kaotix                                          2:37


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    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405

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